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С благодарност към нашите бивши колеги:
намали шрифтанормален шрифтувеличи шрифтаМоят котарак
раздел: Приказки
автор: Mojsei

Фондация "Живот" обявява награда за съдържателна "ХуЛа" към този материал

Днеска наблюдавах интересна случка -
едър пес сумтеше върху нежна кучка,
а мъниците тревожно лаеха,
хората се чудеха, но траеха.

Спомних си веднага за Писана
и за моя черен котарак -
тази нощ те бяха на тавана,
блъскайки се над въпроса:"Как?"

Ех, ако за всяка дама
имаше достоен мъж,
нямаше да мисли за салама -
как да близне го поне веднъж.

Ех, ако за всеки мъж
имаше любовница-съпруга,
нямаше да пробва не веднъж
да повтори любовта с друга.

Публикувано от mmm на 01.12.2004 @ 12:26:07 

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Отдели време и гласувай за текста.

Ти си Анонимен.
Регистрирай се
и гласувай.

Р е к л а м а

19.04.2024 год. / 02:50:32 часа

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Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/hulite/www/www/modules/News/article.php:11) in /home/hulite/www/www/modules/News/article.php on line 277
"Моят котарак" | Вход | 4 коментара (20 мнения) | Търсене в дискусия
Коментарите са на публикуващия ги. Ние не сме отговорни за тяхното съдържание.

Не са позволени коментари на Анонимни, моля регистрирай се.

Re: Моят котарак
от mmm (mmm@slovar.org) на 01.12.2004 @ 12:27:35
(Профил | Изпрати бележка) http://martin.mitov.org
Коя е тази фондация "Живот" и каква награда дава?

Re: Моят котарак
от Stanislav на 01.12.2004 @ 12:40:26
(Профил | Изпрати бележка) http://insinuaciia.hit.bg
Аз знам за наградата на фондация Смърт. Абсолютно благотворителна е. Получаваш я за изживян живот. Дори няма значение как и какъв.
Тоест - съдържанието няма значение.
По това двете награди си приличат, май. Защото и в тази не е указано какво да е съдържанието.

Re: На вниманието на Музите...
от Rumir на 01.12.2004 @ 13:22:44
(Профил | Изпрати бележка)
Длъжен съм да го направя. Погрешен начин сте препоръчали за терапия.

Мойсей, нищо лично...

The Trauma of Schizophrenia

Written by Tanina Davanzo, M.A.

Exiting the theatre, after seeing the film “A Beautiful Mind”, I had the proverbial lump in my throat, a faint smile on my face and an ache in my heart. I could also feel the heat burning in my advocate’s soul for the majestic courage it takes for an individual to recover from a major mental illness. In this instance it was schizophrenia.

The passion that precedes my private practice, here in Boulder, is the last ten years that I have had the honor of treating those suffering from schizophrenia and other psychosis. After completing my Master’s Degree, I did an intensive training with Jack Rosberg, my mentor, at the Anne Sippi Clinic in Los Angeles. The Anne Sippi Clinic hosts up to thirty-six inpatients, and is dedicated to the sole purpose of treating schizophrenia. It was at Jack’s clinic that I began referring to the clients as “the divine ones” and “the severely sorrowed.”

With the advent of movies like “A Beautiful Mind” and the recent television special “My Sister’s Keeper”, which authentically portrayed the tragic and triumphant, the stellar and despairing journey of a woman suffering with schizoaffective disorder, there has hopefully been some long overdue empathic dust kicked up on the still too closeted subject of mental illness. Silence is Trauma.

“A Beautiful Mind” captured one man’s courageous assault against his own schizophrenia with the sheer power of his self-determination, the unfailing love of another human being, his wife and the strong support of his friends and colleagues. These three powerful elements are huge resources not readily available to the majority of individuals attempting to recover from an episode or a lifetime on the battlefield of madness. Isolation is Trauma.

Schizophrenia is the mother lode of mental illness, (the ultimate of the fragmented sense of self), the behemoth of anyone’s greatest fears coming to life in the psychological arena. Contrary to one of the many myths about schizophrenia: Human beings suffering from this disorder are far more suicidal than homicidal. Schizophrenia is terrifying, lonely and something that no one should ever have to experience or face alone. Ironically, schizophrenia is treated as the bastard child of the mental health system when it comes to supportive funding for necessary treatment, health care insurance and educating the public out of its stigma stupor. Ignorance is Trauma.

The debate will continue on the causes of schizophrenia. Whether it is linked to a genetic vulnerability, trauma, a spiritual emergency, sheer imbalances in the brain’s neurotransmitters or a combination of any of the above, the point is once they hold the ‘ticket’, for the ride they didn’t knowingly stand in line for, they are at the mercy of the kindness of strangers or more hopefully an educated public and ideally a loved one (be they a clinician, family member or friend) who will stay the course with them. Lack of love and support is Trauma.

For myself, I believe that schizophrenia has a cunning all its own. The disorder is rarely a single illness but more a myriad of disorders. Inside this mayhem stands a human being. Providing treatment for a client who is attempting the magnificent feat of recovering from a major mental illness is not for the meek or the impatient. Madness is rife with elements of hopelessness, isolation, boredom, tedium, depression, suicidal ideation, suicide, exhaustion, paranoia, rage, grief, terror and a narcissism that can push away even the most seasoned clinician. Abandonment of a client is Trauma.

I was drawn to the Hakomi Somatics Institute Trauma Training as I believed it would address the trauma component (s) associated with the pre-onset of the disorder, the unrelenting traumatic issues of the day to day living with a severe mental illness, and the potential traum

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Re: Моят котарак
от pisana на 01.12.2004 @ 15:29:20
(Профил | Изпрати бележка)
Аз пък днес видях , мъжк котарак
да стой заклещен
с песа ми облещен.
снимка ако искаш
пращам да не пискаш.

Някакви бисквити тука ме претискат
ала по въпроса
блъскам алаброса
два дни яли пили
нищо не открили
а от тази работа
бъдеща е славата.